Reconnection & Rediscovery
Read this story of Firm A, a major transportation company, and see how their experience with Cosmopolitan Plated transformed the team dynamics and invoked greater potential of the team's future development.

The Crave: Earning for Trust and New Perspectives
The Context
In Firm A, the distrust between the manager level and senior level of the marketing and communications team members had been hindering effective communication and the professional growth of the group.
They needed to find a way to reconnect and rediscover how they relate and communicate as a team with a higher understanding about how they could move towards the goals of the team and the mission of the organization, which would result in stronger, more cohesive performance.
The Request
The firm requested Jennifer to create a workshop that would allow the group to team up, get creative, and have an engaging opportunity for each individual to reveal their value to the whole team. They wanted this to take place in a space where everyone was on the same level, anticipating that the removal of hierarchy would foster an environment more conducive for communication and meaning conversations.
Our recipe
The Ingredients
Take the opportunity to find the fun, meaningfulness.
Relate the concepts learned to their roles and goals.
Lead from where you are in your daily tasks by showing initiative, enthusiasm, creativity and innovation.
Meet your team members outside of their daily roles as people who have lives outside of the office and consider what it’s like to “walk in their shoes”.
The Method
Preparation: a discovery process with the VP of Marketing & Communications that revealed the concerns, the opportunities, needs and goals of the groups. This complimentary service also allows you and your team to customize the experience.
Process: a workshop that engages all the participants, invokes creativity in hands-on activities, and build memorable bonding moments.
Cooking Process
When they first entered, people (as always) were unsure of what to expect. Some were standoffish and quiet. However, They had the excitement of knowing they were going to take part in something different from the day to day at the office. They were quite excited about cooking and having some great food but had a distrust as to why they leadership team was bringing them into this workshop.
As the event progressed, it was PHENOMENAL! They got creative in their presentations. Their presentations and cooking was creative, competitive (friendly) and they were encouraging each other. High fives were everywhere!
The Plated
Course #1: A space and the opportunity to shine as individuals who each contribute to the group’s success boosted individuals' confidence.
Course #2: An event to remind them to look beyond their and others roles, to lead with their talents from any level.
Course #3: Creative ways to communicate and consider perspectives other than their own and how valuable different perspectives can be.